You say anarchy, I say government you say temporary, I say permanent You say disillusionment, I say wonder You say talented, I say neverhundred.

Eric Chandel @NeverHundred

Age 37, Male

Information Broker


Joined on 4/26/08

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Masochism at its finest.

It really is. Sometimes one must humble themselves though.

That only applies to the privileged.

If you can read this you're probably somewhat privileged. Privileged enough to use the internet anyway.

Privileged enough to use the internet, but not privileged enough to go around humbling myself without having ever tasting power or being part of it.

Fair enough. If you're familiar with roleplaying game and you've seen how people play D&D... you'll understand that they need to play characters that are humbled. Which is more along the line I was saying as I was comparing the two. Anything outside of the roleplaying sphere is comparing apples to oranges.

Yeah that's why i don't like role-play games, i am more of fan of getting strong and blow shit up, see your enemies burn, maybe a Sci-fi rpg out there leaves you go around destroying planets, but i can see how that level of absurd freedom would get boring fast, specially since those games are all about storytelling so the tales would become monotonous fast.

Yeah, and these days we have tons of video games that really are better for mindless slaughter and reward systems.
Tabletop games give players the power of using their own imaginations to tell stories, develop characters and drive the narrative at their own pace. You don't have that kind of power in a video game.
Unless you're the one designing the game.

Yeah but why would you immerse yourself in a humbling story? you have life for that, masochism i tell you, unless you are the dungeon master, in that case is just pure sadism.

Nothing's wrong with a little masochism from time to time.

From Argentina to Chile, to Australia, to then getting beaten by a kangaroo and rescued by a pelican, what a story, but the most important question remains unanswered, how good was the chili?

My chili can only be classified as the following: Damn good!

It's the only thing I don't regret.

It scares me, what if i get to enjoy it, and become complacent with my own pitiful life?

I knew it so the kangaroo was after your chili all along, and i actually suspect the pelican of having similar intentions, if it wasn't because that was a drone!
Now the truth is out, if your chili was really "Damn Good!" why is Frazer McDougal holding a grudge against you? what really happen at that hospital room as you rested next to each other?

McDougal is envious of my chili. We actually bonded over a shared love of science fiction. He realized I was a pretty alright guy. I think he has a cool mustache so we can be friends now.

And they spend the rest of their days eating chili and suffering from indigestion.

El Fin.

Indie Justin makes people suffer.

Indie Justin tortures people by giving them contaminated water product of his frakking business, indeed it was later known that the dirty water you had in Australia was in such poor state due to Indie Justin operations.

What is Indie Justin's relationship with Indiana Jones and should I be concerned?

They are buttbudies.

Ah, yes of course. Friends that hang out together and wear giant foam helmets shaped like butts. And they headbutt each other with the butt helmets in jovial celebration every time either one of them farts.
It's good clean fun.

As long as the farts don't come with extra packages, yeah good and clean fun.

Butt World Problems, hashtagged,

Butt World Problems are some real Harshtags.

Hashtags are gonna save the buttworld. You'll see...

While puffing some 420.

D20 roll it, play it, roleplay it.

Smoke it, cough it, lung cancer? what...

If you smoke a twenty sided dice... you will gain D&D super powers. Just like in that comic book story that hasn't been written yet. What are we sitting around here for? Let's get on that one.

She gets high on plastic dice, then tries to catch a squirrel, and success after discovering that it now has D&D powers, and DD breast too.


That's some funny stuff. I laughed so hard I compulsively punched my fist right through the skull of a dead deer. Good times.

Hey uhm... I was trying to make a fan - made tabletop version of destiny, so Doom said to ask you, any ideas on the subject would be appreciated.

I know analogue games... but I'm not familiar with video games, especially the new stuff. I remember when I was younger I got some of my friends to use the 3.5 d20 edition to play a table top version of Star Craft.

Perhaps you can take the setting of Destiny and transplant it into a ruleset that is flexible. Something like d20 modern or GURPs.


Sucks to be them.