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The noble gazelle had been wandering the dry and dusty savanah all morning seeking a watering hole. He eventually found one glistening by a few tangling trees. He cautiously approached the spot,, hesitant to take a few sips of water. After no more than a few slurps of water the noticed something in the corner of his eye. He turned to look to see a pack of hyenas who began laughing and yapping. He didn't pause for more than a moment before he leaped away. They didn't pursue they just kept yammering and yipping.
Alright so I was riding around on my bike on the fourth, I try to get a good bike ride in at least once a week to prevent myself from becoming a lard-ass. Only thing was I had forgotten to bring any water, and I hadn't had anything to drink all day. It was hot, and dry... and I was starting to feel the thirst. So I started heading for the park. I knew they had to have water fountains. So I went there, found the fountian, it was for kids though, I guess this is where they typically play sports or something. so I had to kneel down on my knees to drink, and for plumbing the water sort of just trickled to the ground so it puddled up around my knees. Ruining EVERYTHING!!! And to make matters worse as soon as i got up from my drink there were people standing next to me. This one girl I don't know if she had a ball or a frisbee but she was talking at me.
"Hey, we were waiting for someone, but they haven't gotten here yet..." i kind of got the jist of it but I was terrorfied and confused, taken off guard.
"So, huh... I was just biking. You need someone for your game?" I said as I jumped on my bike, not really able to say if I was able to play or not.
She was like, "Yeah, so..." But by than I was already peddling away like I was trying to escape for my life. I felt like such a dork. I still can't talk to strangers without running for the door.
Unrelated related pic:
D'aww. Don't worry. Everyone has their moments! I remember this one time, I was waiting at the check out for my mom and I tried making small talk with the cashier. I go, "I go to school just down the street from here."
She goes, "Oh, I go to (insert name of enemy school), you know, the school near by your's."
And I reply, "Really? You know, a lot of people from there hate me."
She looked at me really weird and I blushed really red and my mom finally came back and I ran off to the car. x]
We're all awkward together!
NeverHundred (Updated )
An awkward army... I like the idea. When do we create this army of awkwardness?