Especially this one. Jerkcity. That link is on random by the way, so as part of this little game why don't you post in the comments what you think the underlining currents of the comic you just read was about? I'd like to read them.
I would like to know... was there ever a point in time when cock jokes weren't a necessary to the fabric of the internet. Did you know that the first webpage on the internet can be found here? Or maybe that's just a tribute to the first website. I'm not entirely certian but what I am sure of is that you were expecting something cock related. For instance The Buzzcocks... cock in the name? Read the wiki, you'll find that the term cock is supposedly used between friends in some circles... or at least at the time in Manchester it was. Not so sure about that. Would you call your best friend a cock? I know I would.
And I'm sure you're asking yourself right now. What ever happened to those guys... those cocks I used to call friends. Well I can tell you where they're not... SAFE!!!
Underlying currents? Well, I'd say that everyone was getting pregnant.
This sounds totally random, doesn't it?
For all I know that could be the plot of a Jerk City strip.