Folks, the suns atmosphere has expanded to engulf and destroy Mercury and Venus. Can we please start working on a huge spaceship? The oceans are boiling, the sky is deep red and everyone is complaining. I for one have had enough of this, does anyone have the box set for Deep Throat? The end is nigh and I am still a virgin. But we all saw that coming... or shall we say cumming. People are collapsing and melting into the sidewalk, buildings are being uprooted by lava and volcanic steam. Hopefully the seven eleven will still be open. This heat, makes me want to stop by there and buy on of those 99 cent Arizona Ice Tea cans. Perfect for an apocolyptic day like today.
lets go to canada and make a spasse shup
Canada... you know how I feel about Canada. I've made it abundantly clear, I wouldn't be caught dead in Canada, end of story.