I was accepted to NESCom, hell yeah, gonna get a bachelor's in sound engineering. Who needs a girlfriend when you've got a career. That's why they call it a bachelor's degree, am I right? Honestly if I had to choose, I'd pick the girlfriend but... they don't understand me and my audiophilia. Anyway, I showed up to my interview a month early. They let me poke my nose around the schools equipment any way. It seemed legit, and most definitely not made of card board, which I found impressive. Much better then the shit I use, listen to my music and you'll know it's true. Check out my latest, it's a cover of Creep. I sang the fuck off of it, like the flesh sheered off the bones of my enemies. You don't want to be one of my enemies do you? Nah, just kidding, I don't make enemies... I build them.
The majority of that post flew directly above my cranium.
NeverHundred (Updated )
Which post? This one? Yeah, I have no idea what this is all about. The post I'm writing right now is utter madness. Milk that!
Okay, so the idea here is that I was accepted in to the New England School of Communication, where I'd hope to major in Communications Technology and I'll be concentrating on Audio Engineering.