You say anarchy, I say government you say temporary, I say permanent You say disillusionment, I say wonder You say talented, I say neverhundred.

Eric Chandel @NeverHundred

Age 37, Male

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Don't judge a song by it's cover 5? Where is my Mind

Posted by NeverHundred - April 20th, 2012

Where is My Mind, by The Pixies. Another band with a female bassist. I want a video with some dog running around playfully, lets do that.

Black Francis, how many drugs was this song about? "this very small fish trying to chase me. I don't know why - I don't know too much about fish behavior." I'll take that to mean all of them.

Lyrically what the hell is going on here? It sounds like it's about some crazy trip. It's probably about scuba diving or something though. That would be silly. Musically we have an alternative, grunge, post punk sounding rock song. You probably associate it with the nineties even though the album it was on was released in the late eighties.

everything about this song makes me think nineties. The acoustic sounding jangle guitar chords, the fact that the guitar solo, although a nice touch is only about ten seconds long. The cryptic lyrics, the echo filtered vocals all together make for a solid track. It's memorable, even if you don't know where your mind is.

So who covered it? Lot's of people, but I want to bring our attention to those who have been Trampled by Turtles.

Since both songs seem to start with the acoustic sounding guitar bit does that mean they're going to be the same? Nope, not really. Okay I can't say that this version does anything to extensive compositionally. All they do is a genre switch. Make it a folky song. But hell if it doesn't work. It's hard to say if this version is better then the original, is it an improvement? Does it change enough for it to matter? I think the folk genre fits the song every bit as well, sometimes it feels like the song was meant to be a folk song rather then a gloomy post punk college rock anthem. So I'd say the cover wins out in this episode.

Next time I think I'll do a Pink Floyd cover.


i like golfdish crackesr

Damn you and your mundane madness! I prefer cheezits. Even though I hate cheese, I HATE CHEESE!!!

I never liked Pink Floyd for some reason.

It's probably because I'm just way too old.

'40s Big Band is the way to go, homie.

It's true, I jizz every time I hear one of those horn sections. MMMMM damn.

i love acoustic shit. songs now days have too much wub wub wub.

Altho i do wub the wub-wub

Yeah, that's the thing about dubstep, no matter how much you hate it eventually it'll wub off on you.

I sucked in music class anyways. I'm like skrillex, i always drop the bass.

Well, bass was obviously not the instrument for you silly girl. You have weak little girly arms you should have played the flute. Now a less classy man would turn that into a blow job reference but I'm above that.

Where's Sinitech when you need him?

Do you want for me to make you a sandwich?

I don't like those. I'll make a lasagna though, I've been told that I'm an excellent cook.

I didn't know I wasn't classy.

This makes me somewhat sad.

Pfft, you love not being classy. If you don't then... oh well, what can you do. I thought up an even better response to this, but now I've forgotten it.

good, because i would make you a sandwich anyway.

You're a cruel mistress.

I would make you a sandwich from the still beating heart of our enemies.

Sounds romantic to me. I wish I had a girlfriend who would do that, but not really... because then she'd probably kill and eat me one day. And I'm not looking forward to it. Cannibal Girlfriend, let's make this movie, who's with me?

in the end she must transform into a horrible beast.
he needs a magical wooden spoon to defeat her.

There has to be a commune of vegans, to emphasize the stigma within carnivore and herbivore relations.

Virgin male vegans.

I'm some of those things. Wait... don't eat me!