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Eric Chandel @NeverHundred

Age 37, Male

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Joined on 4/26/08

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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun DJASBIC

Posted by NeverHundred - June 10th, 2014

Don't Judge a Song by its Cover: Girls just Wanna...
I'm not so smooth with the ladies. Thankfully I have this song to remind me what it is that the girls want.
This song is known as the quintessential eighties pop hit that helped really merge the new wave and disco sounds to pave the way for modern pop music. But that was only the cover. The original was recorded in the late seventies by Philadelphia rock and roll hero(and frontman for the band The Heroes) Robert Hazard. They never really made waves outside their home city. A lot of their earlier stuff barely saw the light of day. Most people don't know that
At some point in the early eighties Cyndi Lauper, or her producer heard the song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and decided they'd make their own recording of it.

Cyndi Lauper cover version
This version has this electro-Caribbean sound to it. It starts with the ook from the original, but it has this organ synch that's got this almost two step ryhthm to it, which has this ska like feel. The guitar has that sound to it as well. Then there's another synth that sounds kind of like metal drums from that island music. Which really fits the mood of the concept of the song, which is to have fun. And the Caribean has the reputation of being the place to go, when the working day is done, you get a vacation than it's time to go to a tropical island paradise. You can party, or you can cillax or whatever.

Robert Hazard original version
This is some good rock and roll semi-punk music. It's got a guitar solo, some chunky guitar. If this was covered in the eighties and kept this same sound it probably would have been covered by Billy Idol. It's a really grate opening guitar hook. There's a bridge that's not in the original. The production's pretty bad, but it's a demo that was probably recorded in someone's garage or basement. So what are yeah gonna do. I have a few recordings in the audio-portal and I know that feel.

Which get's my number one?
It's a tough one, I like both of these songs. I think that Cyndi Lauper really made this song her own, and gave it an injection of not simply energy because the original wasn't lacking that but it gave it a fun atmosphere. As much as I love the original, it's sexist, not intentionally and many might say it's a sign of the times or that for the seventies it was trying to be progressive but thinking about it most people know better today.
You can't speak for other people. It's rude. And you can't claim other people as your own, even if you play it like it's for their better good or you're in a relationship with them. In the lyrics he says, “Some men take a beautiful girl and hide her from the rest of the world. My girls get to walk in the sun...” Well how considerate of you. It sounds like they need permission. It sounds like they need a man to let them have fun.
I just never really like the term, “my girlfriend” or “my boyfriend” a person does not belong to anyone other than themselves. That being said, I really like the sound of the original, and looking past it's unintentional sexism, and understanding that they meant well. I actually prefer the original.


Four albums you'd recommend go

Also I had no idea girls just wanna have fun was a cover of a 70s song, with a male singer no less. I likes it.

I disagree with the notion that saying "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" is inherently sexist or bad though. Like, it's a mutual thing, isn't it? If it can be perceived as sexist it's more a problem with how the language works than a problem with the actual term, which is fairly straight forward. Sort of the same as calling someone your brother or sister, or even your friend.

Like yh you should strive to be your own person, but that shouldn't diminish the value of a shared experience either.

I will say that there are far too many people today eager to label themselves and define themselves as being part of a group. Groups are fucking stupid. “The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it”.

tl;dr be smart and be your own person, but shared experiences and strong relationships are valuable and important too

Really, most people don't like being defined by a group. Or so I've observed.

Bread and Circus that must be fun enough.
Now getting on topic to think that, those songs could be that old, not a fan of neither of those though.

My next review is going to be even more sugar coated popification of rock music! So be prepared.


Is Boys Just Want To Have Sex the one song that will be covered in the infamous much expected hyper-hyped next review?

Nah, I have three reviews written I don't know which one I'll go with now.

I am running low on insulin... and i kinda want to live...

Diabetes ain't all that.

"You are right!" - Doomroar 1992 - 2014

We're just a harmless big unruly mob.

Of zombies because it seems that the diabetes killed me.

now we're an armless unruly mob.

They can't put handcuffs on us! we are unstoppable!

I can break these cuffs!

We are armless tho.

I have psychic cuff breaking beams that fire from my butt.

Damn man, from your butt? you should get a doctor to check that, sounds kinda hazardous.

No, it was designed specifically to fire from my butt. It makes the most sense. When you're cuffed where are the cuffs, they cuff your arms behind your back. Firing the cuff breaking beam from that area is purely a logistical choice.

Did you really not think about that? See, that's why I'm the expert at breaking cuffs. What would you do without my genius?

Well i was having this weird nonsensical delusion of having... you know the legs cuffed, but... your anal oriented version makes way more sense man! it is an eye opener, truly a work of genius, i am seeing the light! wait where is that light coming from?

Even if your legs are cuffed, just point your anus down toward the cuffed legs and pizowie. They do it.

How do you pizowie? i missed that class.

Very carefully.

I see... but not really.

see with your eyes, not with your quantum vortex.

But my quantum vortex has a zoom in telescope feature!

zoom, ZOOM! what is this some sort of space ship? Get your warp drive in gear. We can't be idling on the dark isle of the moon all wednesday afternoon.

-There is a problem captain!
-We can't get the warp drive to activate!
-The operating crew has become ill with... Space Polio!
-They tried to warn us about it, but we were unable to hear them, somehow they tried communication via drums...

Don't worry, the ship doctor is also a time traveler. He can cure the space diseases before they even happen. Or even before they existed.

Nice, that should solve the warp drive problem too.

I'll warp your drive... wait, what does that even mean? Am I supposed t understand?

As i see it, you will take our drive device, and warp it, so we are now stranded in space...

Nothing could be murder from the slut!? oh... sleuth... ah.... so damn similar...
Well now i will have to go and apologize to Bandai, in my defense though... their characters do look like sluts...

Stranded in space, just like God intended.

We are so stranded in space that:
¡uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ƃuᴉʇᴉɹʍ uǝʌǝ ɯɐ ᴉ ʍoN

And that's only the beginning. Soon their will be mind altering presences made out of pure light. It's gonna fuck you up man. You'll trip balls for weeks.

Well at least our minds will be moving, unlike the ship...

I let the ship slip to flip and it might get a chip written in sanskrit.

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